4225A, 4425A and 4823 PicoScope Specifications

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Automotive Oscilloscope Comparative Specifications
PicoScope 4225A, 4425A and 4823 Automotive Oscilloscope Specifications PicoScope 4225A 4225A Automotive PicoScope PicoScope 4425A 4425A Automotive PicoScope Picoscope 4823 4823 8-Channel Automotive Oscilloscope
Oscilloscope Vertical
Channels show 2 4 8
Bandwidth show 20MHz (10MHz on ±50mV Range) 20MHz (10MHz on ±10mV and ±20mV Ranges)
Vertical Resolution show 12 bits (4,096 dots)
Enhanced Resolution show 16 bits (65,536 dots)
DC Accuracy show ±1% of full scale ±1% of full scale ±300 μV
Input Sensitivity show 10mV / div to 40V / div 2 mV/div to 10 V/div (10 vertical divisions)
Input Ranges (full scale) show ±50 mV to ±200 V in 12 ranges ±10 mV to ±50 V full scale, in 12 ranges
Input Impedance show 1 MΩ in parallel with 24 pF 1 MΩ ∥ 19 pF
Input Type show Floating, single ended, BNC Connectors Common ground, single ended, BNC Connectors
Input Coupling show Software selectable AC/DC
Input Overvoltage Protection show ±250 V (DC + AC peak) ±100 V (DC + AC peak)
Input Common Mode show ±30 V Common Grounds
Oscilloscope Horizontal
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Buffer Memory show 250 M samples shared between active channels 256 MS shared between active channels
Waveform Buffer show Up to 10,000 waveforms
Timebase Ranges show 5 ns/div to 5000 s/div 20 ns/div to 5000 s/div
Maximum Sampling Rate (single shot) show 1 channel in use: 400 MS/s
2 channels in use: 200 MS/s
1 channel in use: 400 MS/s
2 channels in use: 200 MS/s
3 or 4 channels in use: 100 MS/s
80 MS/s (1 to 4 channels in use)
40 MS/s (5 to 8 channels in use)
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Source show Any input channel
Basic Triggers show None, Auto, Repeat and Single
Advanced Triggers show Rising edge, falling edge, edge with hysteresis, pulse width, runt pulse, dropout, windowed, logic
Maximum Pre-trigger Delay show Up to 100% of capture length
Maximum Post-trigger Delay show Up to 4 billion samples
Dynamic Performance
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Crosstalk show 72dB (4000:1), DC to 20 MHz 76dB (6300:1), DC to 20 MHz
Harmonic Distortion show < −60 dB
SFDR show > 60dB
Noise show 220 μV RMS on 50 mV range
Bandwidth Flatness show DC to full bandwidth (+0.25 dB, −3 dB)
ADC ENOB show 10.8 bits 11.3 bits
Function Generator
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Standard Output Signals show No function generator Sine, square, triangle, DC voltage, ramp, sinc, Gaussian, half-sine, white noise, PRBS
Standard Signal Frequency show DC to 1 MHz
Sweep Modes show Up, Down or Dual
Triggering Can trigger a counted number of waveform cycles or sweeps (up to 1 billion) from the scope trigger or manually from software.
Voltage Range show ±2V
Amplitude and Offset Adjustment Signal amplitude and offset adjustment within ±2V Range
Frequency Accuracy ±20 ppm
Frequency Resolution show < 20mHz
Amplitude Flatness show < 0.5 dB to 1 MHz typical
DC Accuracy ±1% of full scale
SFDR show 87 dB typical
Output Characteristics Rear-panel BNC, 600 Ω output impedance
Overvoltage Protection show ±10 V
Arbitrary Waveform Generator
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Update Rate show No arbitrary waveform generator 80MS/s
Buffer Size show 16kS
Resolution show 14 bits
Spectrum Analyser
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Frequency Range show DC to 20MHz
Display Modes show Magnitude, Peak Hold and Average
Number of FFT Points show 128 to 1 million in powers of 2
Windowing show Rectangular, Gaussian, Triangular, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Hamming, Hann, Flat-top
Maths Channels
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
General Functions −x, x+y, x−y, x*y, x/y, x^y, sqrt, exp, ln, log, abs, norm, sign, sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan, sinh, cosh, tanh, derivative, integral, delay
Filter Functions Low pass, high pass, band stop, band pass
Graphing Functions Frequency, duty cycle
Multi-waveform Functions Min, max, average, peak
Operands Input channel, reference waveforms, time, constants, pi
Automatic Measurements
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Scope Mode AC RMS, true RMS, cycle time, DC average, duty cycle, falling rate, fall time, frequency, high pulse width, low pulse width, maximum, minimum, peak to peak, rise time, rising rate.
Spectrum Mode Frequency at peak, amplitude at peak, average amplitude at peak, total power, THD %, THD dB, THD+N, SFDR, SINAD, SNR, IMD
Statistics Minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation
Serial Decoding
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Protocols CAN, CAN FD, CAN XL, CAN J1939 FlexRay, LIN, SENT FAST, SENT SPC, SENT SLOW, PSIS, 1-Wire, I²C, I²S, I3S BASIC v1.0, PMBus, SMBus, SBS Data, SPI – SDIO SPI MISO/MOSI, PS/2, DALI, DMX512 BroadR-Reach, Ethernet 10BASE-T, Fast Ethernet 100BASE-TX MODBUS ASCII MODBUS RTU ARINC 429 MIL-STD-1553 DCC, Manchester, Differential Manchester, UART/RS-232, Extended UART, NMEA-0183, Wind Sensor, USB (1.0/1.1), Quadrature, Parallel Bus CAN, CAN FD, FlexRay, LIN, I²C, UART/RS-232, SPI, I²S
Inputs All input channels with any mixture of protocols
Mask Limit Testing
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Mask Generation Auto generate from captured waveform, manual drawing, manual coordinate entry
Actions Highlight on screen, select in buffer overview, activate alarm
Statistics Pass/fail, failure count, total count
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Initiating Events Capture, buffer full, mask fail
Alarm Actions Beep, play sound, stop/restart capture, run executable, save current buffer/all buffers, trigger signal generator
Data Export
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Output File Formats .bmp, .csv, .gif, .jpg, .mat (MATLAB 4), .pdf, .png, .psdata (PicoScope data), .pssettings (PicoScope settings), .txt
Output Functions Copy to clipboard, print
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Operating Temperature 0 °C to 40 °C (15 °C to 30 °C for quoted accuracy) 0 °C to 45 °C (20 °C to 30 °C for quoted accuracy)
Operating Humidity Range 5% to 80% RH, non-condensing
Storage Temperature Range -20 to +60°C
Storage Humidity Range 5 to 95% RH, non-condensing
Physical Properties
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Dimensions (metric) 190 x 160 x 40 mm 190 x 170 x 40 mm
Weight (metric) less than 900 g less than 550 g
PicoScope 4225A PicoScope 4425A Picoscope 4823
Additional Accessories Supplied USB 3.0 Cable, User Manuals, Software CD-ROM
Software Supplied PicoScope®, PicoDiagnostics®
Language Support Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
PC Interface USB 3.0/3.1 recommended (USB 2.0 compatible)
Power Requirements Powered from the USB Port
PC Operating System Windows 7, 8 or 10
Compliance FCC (EMC), CE (EMC and LVD), RoHS compliant
Warranty 2 years

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