Automotive Glossary
This page presents a list of mnemonics and abbreviations used in automotive jargon and provides a short description - in essence an automotive glossary.
ABS | anti-lock braking system |
AC | alternating current |
A/C | air conditioning |
A/D | analog-to-digital |
ADC | analog-to-digital converter |
AFM | air flow meter |
AFR | air/fuel ratio (sensor) |
AFS | air flow sensor |
APS | atmospheric pressure sensor |
ATDC | after top dead center |
ATF | automatic transmission fluid |
ATS | air temperature sensor |
AWD | all wheel drive |
BA | brake assist |
BC | body computer |
BCM | body control module |
BDC | bottom dead center |
BHP | brake horsepower |
BOB | breakout box |
BPP | brake pedal position |
BPS | back pressure sensor |
BSI | built-in system interface (PSA) |
BTDC | before top dead center |
CAN | controller area network |
CAS | crank angle sensor |
CAS | car access system (BMW term) |
CARB | California Air Resources Board |
CB | circuit breaker |
CCO | catalytic converter for oxidation |
CDI | capacitor discharge ignition |
CFI | central fuel injection |
CFI | continuous fuel injection |
CHA | channel A (of scope) |
CHB | channel B (of scope) |
CHC | channel C (of scope) |
CHD | channel D (of scope) |
CHT | cylinder head temperature sensor |
CID | cylinder identification |
CKP | crankshaft position (sensor) |
CMP | camshaft position (sensor) |
CO | carbon monoxide |
COP | coil-on-plug |
CPC | coil per cylinder |
CPP | clutch pedal position |
CPS | combustion pressure sensor |
CPS | crankshaft position sensor |
CRD | common-rail diesel |
CTS | coolant temperature sensor |
CVVL | continuous variable valve lift |
dB | decibels |
DC | direct current |
DI | direct injection |
DIS | distributorless ignition system |
DLC | diagnostic link connector |
DLI | distributorless ignition |
DOHC | double overhead camshaft |
DOT | department of transport (USA) |
DPF | diesel particulate filter |
DPFE | differential pressure feedback electronic system (Ford term) |
DSG | direct shift gearbox |
DSO | digital storage oscilloscope |
DTC | diagnostic trouble code |
EAC | electronic accelerator control |
EBCM | electronic brake control module |
EBM | electronic body module |
ECD | electronically controlled diesel |
ECM | engine control module, or electronic control module |
ECT | electronically controlled automatic transmission |
ECU | electronic control unit |
EDIC | electronic diesel injection control |
EDIS | electronic distributorless ignition system |
EDL | electronic differential lock |
EDU | electronic driver unit |
EGO | exhaust gas oxygen |
EGR | exhaust gas recirculation |
EGS | electronic gearbox control |
EI | electronic ignition |
EMF | electromotive force |
EML | elektronische motorleistungsregelung (electronic throttle control - BMW term) |
EOBD | European on-board diagnostics |
EPS | electronic power steering |
ESP | electronic stability program |
ESPS | eccentric shaft position sensor |
ETC | electronic throttle control |
ETCS-I | electronic throttle control system - intelligent |
EV | electric vehicle |
EV-RE | electric vehicle with range extender |
EVAP | evaporative emission control |
EVR | electronic vacuum regulator (Ford term) |
FFT | fast fourier transform |
FI | fuel injection |
FT | fuel trim |
FTS | fuel temperature sensor |
FWD | front wheel drive |
GDI | gasoline direct injection |
HBA | hydraulic brake assist |
HC | hydrocarbon |
HDI | high-pressure diesel injection |
HEGO | heated exhaust gas oxygen (sensor) |
HEV | hybrid electric vehicle |
HGV | heavy goods vehicle (UK term for vehicles over 3.5 tonnes) |
HID | high intensity discharge (headlight) |
HT | high tension |
HVAC | heating, ventilation and cooling |
Hz | hertz (cycles per second) |
I-BUS | instrumentation bus |
IAC | idle air control |
IAT | intake air temperature |
IATS | intake air temperature sensor |
ICM | ignition control module |
IDI | indirect injection |
IDS | integrated diagnostic system (Ford’s diagnostic system) |
IMI | Institute of the Motor Industry |
IMRC | intake manifold runner control |
ISC | idle speed control |
ISCV | idle speed control valve |
K-CAN | body CAN-bus |
KAM | keep alive memory |
kHz | kilohertz (1,000 cycles per second) |
KOEC | key on, engine cranking |
KOEO | key on, engine off |
KOER | key on, engine running |
KS | knock sensor |
kV | kilovolt (1,000 volts) |
LFTRIM | long-term fuel trim |
LH | left-hand |
LIN | local interconnect network |
LNG | liquefied natural gas |
LPG | liquefied petroleum gas |
LT | low tension |
MAF | mass air flow |
MAP | manifold absolute pressure |
MFI | multi-port fuel injection |
MHz | megahertz (1,000,000 cycles per second) |
MIL | malfunction indicator light |
MOT | Ministry of Transport (UK roadworthiness test) |
MPI | multi-point injection |
MRS | multiple restraint system |
NOP | needle opening pressure |
NTC | negative temperature coefficient |
O2 | oxygen |
OBD | on-board diagnostics |
OE | original equipment |
OEM | original equipment manufacturer |
OHC | overhead camshaft |
OHV | overhead valve |
PAIR | pulsed secondary air injection |
PAM | parking aid module |
PAS | power assisted steering |
PATS | passive anti-theft system |
PCM | powertrain control module |
PCO | PC oscilloscope |
PHEV | plug-in hybrid electric vehicle |
PID | Parameter ID (OBD-II) |
PIP | profile ignition pickup (Ford term) |
PPE | personal protection equipment |
PPS | progressive power steering |
psi | pounds force per square inch |
PSV | passenger service vehicle |
PT-CAN | powertrain CAN |
PTC | positive temperature coefficient |
PSP | power steering pressure |
PSPS | power steering pressure switch |
PWM | pulse width modulation |
RH | right-hand |
RFI | radio frequency interference |
RMS | root mean squared |
RPM | revolutions per minute |
RSS | road speed sensor |
RWD | rear wheel drive |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers |
SAW | spark advance word (Ford term) |
SC | supercharger |
SFTRIM | short-term fuel trim |
SMG | sequential manual gearbox |
SOC | state of charge |
SOHC | single overhead camshaft |
SPI | single point injection |
SRM | speech-recognition module |
STFT | short term fuel trim |
SUV | sports utility vehicle |
TBI | throttle body injection |
TC | turbocharger |
TCM | transmission control module |
TCU | transmission control unit |
TD | turbocharged diesel |
TDC | top dead centre |
TDI | turbocharged direct injection |
TPP | throttle position potentiometer |
TPMS | tyre pressure monitoring sensor |
TPS | throttle position sensor |
TWC | three-way catalyst |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
VAG | Volkswagen Audi group |
VAN | vehicle area network |
VANOS | variable valve timing control (BMW term) |
VCDS | VAG-COM diagnostic system |
VCM | vehicle control module |
VIN | vehicle identification number |
VPS | variable power steering |
VR | variable reluctance |
VSC | vehicle stability control |
VSS | vehicle speed sensor |
VVC | variable valve control |
VVT | variable valve timing |
VVT-I | variable valve timing — intelligent |
WOT | wide-open throttle |
WSS | wheel speed sensor |